Day-to-day demands can lead to micro-level thinking. This skill stack’s goal is move beyond the micro toward a macro-level purpose. Here’s why what they’re doing on the daily matters in the grander scheme.
Our High-Performance Team Leader Skill Stack employs “how” and “why” to drive strategic sensemaking. Practice thinking at a systems level to increase desired outcomes. Unify your teams with the story that makes them want to stay.
Serious career growth requires a competitive advantage. Participants find opportunities in obstacles, spot what others miss, challenge the status quo, and embrace systems thinking. Your blueprint for the strategy that suits you best.
Meaning making is what drives our decisions, including in business. As individuals and in groups, participants learn to make listeners care what they say, remember their ideas, and act according to the stories they create. Harness the power of “why” to drive results.
Introduces the advantages of an intentional vision for better performance, productivity, and retention. Participants explore creative thinking techniques to draft a vision that inspires their teams. Inspire the team to personally attach themselves to their roles and purposes in your organization.
Cultivate these anchor strengths with the High-Performance Team Leader Skill Stack: