Marshall Medical Center

Marshall Medical is hosting a number of classes with Learnit. Please register and attend a session that works with your schedule. Please do read the “How to Register” section below before proceeding.

How to register

  1. You have already been added to our internal system and should have received an email asking you to set a password for your account.
  2. Please use your email address and this password when going through the steps below to login and register for classes. DO NOT click the “Register and Continue” button as you have already been added to the system. If you have forgotten your password, please click this link.
  3. Admin group, please register for the classes on 9/19 and 9/21.
  4. All Staff please choose 1 session for Managing Outlook, and 1 session for What Tool When on dates beginning on 9/26 or later. DO NOT register for multiple dates of the same class.


Learning Strategist @ Learnit


Tayler Marcacci

Customer Success Manager @ Learnit



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Company Contact


Martin Daly


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