116: What Leaders Need To Know About AI in 2025 | Geoff Woods

Release Date: 

February 25, 2025

Release Date: Jan 14

Transforming Your Leadership with AI: Beyond Writing Better Emails

Are you struggling to leverage AI meaningfully in your organization while your competitors surge ahead? What if you could use AI to make million-dollar strategic decisions instead of just writing better emails?

In this compelling episode of “The Learn-It-All Podcast,” Geoff Woods, author of The AI-Driven Leader, shares how leaders can transform their relationship with AI from a simple assistant to a powerful strategic thought partner. Drawing from his experience leading AI initiatives at a global steel company and interviewing 200 executives, Woods reveals practical frameworks for using AI to enhance strategic thinking, make better decisions, and drive organizational growth. He demonstrates through real case studies how leaders can use AI to solve complex business challenges – from restructuring international debt to cutting millions in operating costs in minutes rather than months.

What You’ll Learn:

  • Why most leaders are using AI for low-value tasks when they could be applying it to strategic decision-making that drives 80% of results
  • A practical framework for crafting effective AI prompts using Context, Role, Interview, and Task (CRIT)
  • How one CEO used AI to find a solution to save his company from bankruptcy by understanding Japanese cultural nuances in ways a human consultant might have missed
  • The stark reality from Woods' research: while 100% of executives say AI is the future, less than 5% have taken meaningful action
  • Why hiding AI use creates a toxic culture, and how leaders can foster an environment where AI enhancement is celebrated
  • A powerful case study of how Boston Consulting Group consultants achieved 40% higher quality work in 25% less time using AI
  • The critical distinction between being a thought leader who directs AI versus abdicating leadership to AI
  • How to use AI to bulletproof strategic plans and challenge business assumptions that could be holding you back

In This Episode:

  • (00:00) Introduction to Geoff Woods – Damon introduces Geoff, highlighting his leadership expertise and focus on AI-driven strategy.
  • (01:30) Shifting the Mindset About AI – Geoff discusses how leaders can redefine their relationship with AI as a thought partner.
  • (05:00) Lessons from Technological Disruption – Geoff shares parallels between historical disruptions and the AI revolution.
  • (09:00) Building Strategic AI Prompts – Geoff introduces his “context, role, interview, task” framework to get meaningful results from AI.
  • (12:33) The Role of Leaders in Driving AI Adoption – Geoff emphasizes why leaders must champion AI adoption to future-proof their organizations.
  • (17:00) Creating an AI Board of Advisors – Geoff explains how to customize AI tools to complement leadership styles and business needs.
  • (21:30) Real-World Applications of AI – Geoff provides examples of how AI is being used to solve complex business challenges.
  • (33:18) Preparing for the Future – Damon and Geoff discuss how organizations can integrate AI into their strategies to remain competitive.

About Our Guest:

Geoff Woods is a pioneering force in AI-driven business leadership and organizational transformation. As the former Chief Growth Officer of Jindal Steel & Power, a 100,000-person global organization, he drove market cap growth from $750M to $12B in just four years by implementing strategic AI initiatives. Earlier in his career, Woods partnered with bestselling author Gary Keller to build and scale The ONE Thing's business operations, where he advised companies ranging from $10M to $60B in revenue. After witnessing AI's transformative potential in late 2022, he founded AI Leadership, where he now helps executives leverage AI for strategic decision-making rather than just tactical efficiency. His expertise is captured in his book The AI-Driven Leader, which distills insights from his extensive work with hundreds of executives implementing AI-driven leadership practices.

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Introduction to Geoff Woods – Damon introduces Geoff,highlighting his leadership expertise and focus on AI-driven strategy.


you should be asking what are the skills I can master thatare so valuable they'll serve you no matter where you go


your ability to think strategically that's the differencebetween growing your business or going out of business


but if you want to climb the ranks within your organizationmore and more and more it's about imagine solving in


minutes what used to take weeks or unlocking million-dollaropportunities and driving massive growth Our Guest


today will reveal how AI can elevate your leadership to thenext level transforming how you think decide and


lead in a rapidly changing World welcome to the learn itallpodcast the show for today's leaders who want to get ahead


and stay ahead because we believe that great leaders aren'tborn or made they are constantly in the making I'm your


host Damon lebby two-time best-selling author and CEO oflearn it a live learning platform that has upskilled


over 2 million people over the past three decades today I'mthrilled to welcome Jeff Woods a Visionary leader on


a mission to redesign the future of leadership in the AI eraas the founder of AI leaders ship and the author of Aid


driven leader he's pioneered innovative ways for leaders tosolve problems and turn AI into your ultimate thought


partner in today's conversation I'm going to be asking Jeffto share the mindset shift that transforms your


leadership how AI uncovers million-dollar Solutions whilesolving challenges and minutes the four


ingredients for crafting prompts that deliver gamechangingresults and much much more what was it that made you


decide to make a pivot go out on your own and really go allin on AI yeah so I

Shifting the Mindset About AI – Geoff discusses how leaderscan redefine their relationship with AI as a thought partner.


I got a piece of advice my senior year of college thatreally has shaped and molded my career and I was doing an


internship with a tech company when I went to UC SantaBarbara and right before graduation I sat down with the CEO and I asked himwhat job should I


get after school and he looks at me and he goes you'reasking the wrong question and this was the first time in my life


that I was introduced to the power of asking the rightquestions and he said you should be asking what are the skills


I can master that are so valuable they'll serve you nomatter where you go and what jobs will help you develop


those skills um that literally has been a thread that I havepulled through my


whole career from going into the world of sales from Xeroxto medical device sales first got into entrepreneurship


because had the chance to partner with Gary Keller who wrotethe one thing with his co-author J papan and they said hey


we'll teach you how to think and act like a CEO you run andscale the company but we'll be there to guide you and


Coach you so I thought amazing skill development um after Iexited that company I had two


years where I had to non-compete and I went in-house as achief growth officer for a public company out of India called


gindel steel giant Steel company about 100,000 people and Ijust saw that as an opportunity to gain even more skills in


terms of how do you drive growth of a large Enterprise witha footprint literally Global when I was there I saw


AI for the first time it was December of 2022 so chat GPThad literally been out


for maybe 30 days not even 30 days and when I saw it I sawthe next skill so I


made a personal goal for the next year to figure out how canI master this at


my level as a chief growth officer and very quickly Istarted to realize that using it to write a better email was a


waste of my time but I started asking what really matters ata leadership level and this is when I came back to


this belief that your ability to think strategically that'sthe difference


between growing your business or going out of business youknow when you're an individual contributor it's all about


how you can execute you move up to management it starts tobe about how you lead through people but if you want to climb the ranks withinyour organization


more and more and more it's about how do you get out of theoperational tactical side and how do you live more at a


strategic level and I started figuring out how to use AI asa thought partner


to elevate my ability to think strategically and to help memake better decisions once I tapped into that A


Whole New World opened up I was in India I was going thereevery quarter I was at the Chairman's house and I made the


pitch I said this is the future and he goes I agree and Isaid I think this is so important that we should drive this


through the whole company he goes I agree and I looked athim I said I really think you need to own this as


chairman of the board and he looks at me and goes I disagreehow about you do it


which amazing opportunity so I immediately great opport I'mon it walked out of his


house and said oh crap because at the time I didn't reallyfeel like I knew


what I was doing but this is when I learned from Gary Kellerthat anytime you're hitting a ceiling of achievement


in your life you're just missing a person so who am Imissing that if I could bring into my world could help me


drive this through our organization that became Google so Ipartnered with Google Now every quarter when I'm in Delhi I'm


in their headquarters and gon and they're teaching me whatis the technology how does it work how do you identify use cases and tunemodels and

Lessons from Technological Disruption – Geoff sharesparallels between historical disruptions and the AI revolution.


after driving that for a bit I I saw a much biggeropportunity to start my next company which is now ai leadership and


to write my book the AI driven leader yeah and I was tellingyou before we came on a I I read your book I think I


think it's fantastic and um you you talk about in it thatgoing into this you


interviewed 200 Executives right what did you learn fromthose uh interviews


this blew my mind I was so confident when I resigned fromjindel steel that


if I started a company around AI I was G to have morebusiness than I knew what to do with right off the bat I


literally interviewed 200 execs one-on-one 100% said AI wasthe future


100% said they would adopt it less than 5% had done


anything and this was a gut punch cuz I just quit a verylucrative big job that


most most people wouldn't quit and I'm hearing that thisisn't a problem that we're trying to solve but then I started


asking what is the problem that they have that if I couldsolve it could create new value and that was that they


just didn't know how to go from zero to one they know it'sthe future but they don't know where to start and they think they're fallingbehind and so for me


that really shaped the book from being a book around how doyou transform the organization to how do you as a leader


start using any generative AI tool chat GPT Claude Geminiperp co-pilot doesn't


matter how do you how do you use any of those tools at aleadership level in a


way that matters because again you writing a better emailyou doing social media copy or marketing copy that is not


your job as a leader so how do you use it to advance yourability to think


strategically or to make faster smarter decisions thatbecame the focus of the AI driven leader so in order to do so in


order to start like you talk about using AI to really havean impact on the top 20%


of the work that you do where does somebody start somebodywho's a leader who maybe is like I know I need to get


into AI but I haven't really done much with it besides justmaybe writing an email at chess upt yeah sure so so first


we have to revisit what is the paros principle the 8020 ruleit's the idea


that 80% of your results come from just 20% of your effortsin my experience


most people who are using Genera of AI are applying it to80% of their tasks


that only drive 20% of the value now I applaud those peoplebecause they're


taking action they're getting started but I have built acareer on helping


executive teams focus on the 20% priorities that drive 80%of the results


so your time is more valuable than your money when you sitdown to use Chachi BT


or any of the other large language models you have anopportunity to invest your time when you make an investment


you expect a return you can use a use case that'll returnyou a dollar you could do a use case that could return


you a thousand dollar or a $100,000 or a million dollars Ijust choose to focus


on the use cases that matter most and what happens toorganizations where


let's say I what I love in your book is you talk about thestory about Blockbuster right as an example of you


know being completely completely disrupted by technologyright so if uh organizations


don't move forward with AI what use that story as an exampleof how it illustrates yeah sure so in the early


2000s Blockbuster was the king of movie rentals everyweekend you've got millions of customers that are driving


to their local stores it's racking up $8.7 Billion Dollar inannual revenue and then Netflix comes along with this


unique idea DVD DVD rentals by mail and as Netflix startedto gain tracktion

Building Strategic AI Prompts – Geoff introduces his“context, role, interview, task” framework to get meaningful results from AI.


eventually Blockbuster asked that Reed Hastings fly toDallas and sit down with


them and Reed saw this as an opportunity he pitched to theexec team Blockbuster that they acquire him for $50


million this was only six% of Blockbusters total revenue he


casted this vision for how streaming was going to disruptthings and how Blockbuster could create this hybrid


model they almost laughed him out of the room and we nowknow this is one of the greatest strategic missteps of all time


in business history well Netflix started to gain moretraction eventually John


antioco who's running Blockbuster began to realize themistake because he had completely discounted how significant


streaming would be he thought that brickin mortar storescustomer TR customer foot traffic penalizing you


with late fees he thought that it had worked up to thispoint if it ain't broke don't fix it right well he knew


now knew they needed to change he invested $400 million tocreate Blockbuster online to


go toe-to-toe with Netflix and also to cancel late Feast butthis created a whole new problem because then you've


got Carl icon steps in as an activist investor takes overthe board he wants Blockbuster online dead he wants late


fees back this power struggle distracts the focus andexecution of the entire


organization to the point that Netflix became so dominantthat it put Blockbuster out of business or did it


here's the part of the story most people don't know mostpeople listening to this have heard that


story guess why Hastings wanted to sell Netflix to


John antioco they were running out of money they were $50million in the hole


and they did not think they could win sing to Blockbusterwas their ticket to get out of business and break even but


it was the lack of strategic thinking at the executive ranksof block Buster that


put them out of business so here's why I think this mattersfor you who's listening to


this how confident are you in the defensibility of yourcurrent business


model and if you're not the CEO how confident are you in thedefensibility


of your current skill set in terms of a future career


Advantage great question I love to ask is what the businessthat'll put you out of business and how can I build it first


how can you use AI to challenge those assumptions so easy


so most people when they View using generative AI they thinkof it like a


really smart Google that they can ask questions to and getanswers or they think of it like an assistant that they


can delegate tasks to to get them done faster both bringvalue but the ROI is


not as high as what I'm about to show you if you start toview AI as a thought partner and you turn the tables instead


of asking it questions asking it to ask you questions


to pull context out of your head whether it's to clarifyyour thinking help you


think more strategically solve your biggest problems helpyou achieve your most ambitious goals so here's a


framework that I use for a prompt um a prompt is just howyou talk to it and I think of it kind of like a recipe in any


recipe you've got different ingredients that you put in I'mgoing to give you four ingredients that I think matter for

The Role of Leaders in Driving AI Adoption – Geoffemphasizes why leaders must champion AI adoption to future-proof theirorganizations.


strategic thinking and and there I I structure it in thisorder context role


interview task so context you describe the context of thesituation role you


ask it to adopt a certain personality or to have certainexpertise because you


based the data that this stuff is trained on you can engagejust about any expertise in the world and apply to your


use case very powerful interview that's when you tell it toturn the tables into interview you by asking one question at


a time up to a certain number three questions four questionsfive questions also that it can accomplish a task so


context rooll interview task if you can remember that recipeI'll take you beyond probably 99%


of the people in the world using AI right now so if you wantto use AI do


you want to do it on the defensibility of the business oryour career which which do you want to go for defensibility of the businessokay great


um so context I currently work for this type of a companyyou don't even have to


say the name of the company we operate in this industrythese are the products that we currently offer these are the


problems that we are solving for our customer um and deepdown I see AI as


the future and I don't want to be disrupted by it I wouldrather that we


become innovators and use this as an opportunity to build acompetitive Advantage I would have put all that in


as context Your Role is to act as a


growthmindset moat especially amongst technological


disruption interview by asking me one question at a time up


to five questions to gain more deep context about mybusiness and then I want you to complete the task of


outlining the top five ways you could see our business beingdisrupted over


the next 10 years and for each one of them the topstrategies we could deploy so that we're the ones that do the


disruption that would be one prompt that's awesome and andfor our listeners


out out there Jeff just did a master class on this obviouslyyou got to go out and get his book you could also just


pull this transcript off YouTube and copy that in there anduse that yourself


to help make assumptions against your own business right Imean it's it's crazy and it also comes down to a lot I


heard you say this but I've heard others say this you knowthe prompt is only going to be as good as the information


that you put in there so how important is clearcommunication when you're guiding it are you married or have you


ever been married I'm married how important is communicationin your relationship got to ask my wife that cuz


she'll tell you you need to get better at it but it'sincredibly important I mean communication across the board is


important whether it's work your relationships everythingit's the same thing here with AI you know most people


who are currently using it um I have realized at least formyself this has it AI literally held up a mirror to me and


showed me the quality of my communication if you put garbagein you're going to get garbage out if you


put quality in you're going to get quality out it's thedifference between um The Prompt I gave you which would be


high quality versus um I'm in this type of a business tellme how AI is going to


disrupt our business you will get generic vanilla answersfrom that


because you gave it a generic vanilla prompt but if youfollow that framework that I gave you of context roll


interview task and you really build it out you are notlimited by a little text


window on Google you can type a lot in here or even talk toit and have it just


transcribe your words or capture your words uh you will geta night and day


result and you talk about this in your book and I think it'sreally important when it comes down to it you us are the


thought leaders it is your partner you know you can't relyon it to be the thought leader yes so this is about


redefining your relationship with AI you are the thoughtleader AI is your

Creating an AI Board of Advisors – Geoff explains how tocustomize AI tools to complement leadership styles and business needs.


thought partner with your leadership you tell AI


what you want it to do and as your thought partner it willdo the heavy lifting and bring you back a result but


the biggest mistake and I think this is one of the greatestrisks that I see right now when it comes to AI is leaders


abdicating their role as the thought leader I see this everytime somebody


copies and pastes an answer from Chad gbt without asking doI agree you see


people asking it to write an email or a blog post or acustomer communication and just copy and paste it without


asking is this our voice do I agree with what it's sayinghow do I know that this


is true uh so you are think of it this way if you're in acar you're in the driver's seat AI is in the passenger


seat ask it to do the heavy lifting but at the end end ofthe day you need to have human judgment here and apply that


to the situation absolutely you know you can't just rely onthe results I I have a friend who um put out a newsletter and


um just cut and paste uh some stats with with nothingbacking it up and people call him out on it like where did it


come from and at the end of the day he just made the mistakehe just trusted AI instead of you know factchecking it it


gets you it gets you down the field but it it it can't getyou into the end zone as essentially what you're saying yes um


let's say one of the things I loved about your book is yougot so many great uh you know case studies in there uh


give us an example of a strategic problem where you used AIyou know in to


help a customer or or friend uh there are tons of stories inthe book I'm gonna give you one that's not in the


book that way even better when you read the book you getsomething new I sat down with a group of CEOs and I just


asked what are the biggest problems you are facing that ifwe could solve them would unlock a new level of growth for


your business now I want you to even think about thequestion I just asked them I'm not asking for What's a what's


what's an easy way you could use AI don't care I care aboutI actually don't even care about AI I care about your


business growing AI is a tool that can accelerate yourgrowth or distract you from it the difference that makes the


difference is you and whether you are strategy FirstTechnology seconds so one


guy looks at me and he says okay I got a good one I run amanufacturing company


I leased a whole bunch of equipment from this company inJapan but things have shifted in the market and the debt


structure is now killing us we're going to go bankrupt if itdoes not get


restructured I look at him go oh my gosh I'm so sorry whathave you done he goes man we tried everything and he lists


five different initiatives that they had deployed to get theboard to restructure the debt and he goes the problem is


because this is a publicly traded company in Japan the boardis refusing to restructure the debt because they


think it'll make them lose face in Japanese Society that'scrazy he I said


that no no he said that to me oh yeah oh yeah yeah he saidthat he said that to me and I'm going you gotta be oh my gosh


I okay and he looks at me and goes can AI help that was theright question any use


case I don't approach with an expectation of a result Iapproach with curiosity can it help I don't know let's find out and then can Iuse really good


communication ingredients like context rooll interview taskto generate a high quality prompt to get a high quality


answer so I literally pulled up in this case chaty PTfollowed that same recipe


context roll interview task context I run a manufacturingcompany we leased


all this equipment from a company in Japan things haveshifted in the market the debt is now killing us we're going to go bankrupt ifit doesn't get


restructured here's the things we've tried and I listed allfive initiatives in detail none of it has worked because


this is a publicly traded company in Japan it's gone all theway to the board and they are refusing to restructure the debt because theythink they'll lose


face in Japanese society that was the context Your Role isto act as an


investment banker with deep expertise in restructuring debtinterview me by


asking one question at a time up to three questions to gainmore context so


you can accomplish the task of generating five fivenonobvious

Real-World Applications of AI – Geoff provides examples ofhow AI is being used to solve complex business challenges.


strategies I could deploy to get the board to restructurethe debt and I hit enter AI immediately


asked do you have any relationships with influentialExecutives in Japan that this board would


respect I look at the CEO and he goes whoa I would havenever asked that


question oh my gosh I do and I'm thinking to myself ofcourse you wouldn't have you don't have 2, years of


Japanese culture in your head but AI does and then it askedtwo more


questions about how he had navigated Japanese Society in thepast it came back goes okay here's your five


non-obvious strategies number one it labeled the Saving Face


Consortium it said you have enough relationships with theright people in Japan approach them to acquire the debt


give them really favorable terms your debt will getrestructured the board will save face


Damon I look at him his whole body language had completelychanged and I


can tell he's literally holding back tears he looks at me he


says I haven't slept in 90 days I have literally been makingpeace


with the fact that we are going out of business and in lessthan 10 minutes I


got hope we texted a few months later and he said the ball'smoving and this is


actually going to get done incredible um so what I hear yousaying it really is


too what leaders managers we we all need to start looking atthings a little


differently instead of thinking like okay how do I go aboutthis problem right how do I go about it how do I solve it who who do I bring inas


individuals shift your mindset I actually set this out to myteam today Jeff by the way instead of asking that


question start asking what can I what can AI do to help mesolve this problem


yes I literally tell people when when we do trainings fortheir teams the one action I want them to take and I'm going


to apply this to you I want you to grab a sticky note aSharpie and I want you to write how can AI help me do this how


can AI help me do this and stick it on your computer stickit on your desk stick it on your monitor stick it


someplace that you will see it every day because if you justsee that sticky note it will prompt you to ask the question


for whatever you're doing in the moment and if you genu Elyapproach with curiosity like will it work I don't know


let me let me use some good communication ingredientscontext role interview task for example um there are


plenty more that are in the book by the way Page 73specifically but that will


uh that will give you a good starting point and you willbuild confidence and


and competence very quickly and it doesn't even have to beif you want to get in the habit it doesn't even have to


be around work stuff it could be problems you run into athome I find myself just taking a a picture of


something uh sitting to AI at home and say like how do I fixthis challenge or this problem and and rely on it I'll


give you one uh my wife's birthday was coming up I have atrack record of being


terrible giving her gifts and I and I wanted I wanted toreally knock it out of the park and so I went to AI


contextual interview task context it's my wife's birthdaycoming up you know these are her love languages she's


constantly said that she wants to feel taken care of andseen like I gave it lots of context Your Role is to act as


an expert Gift Giver interview me by asking one question ata time up to five questions to gain deeper context and


then your task is to outline the the best gifts that I couldgive her that would make her feel loved seen heard in


alignment with her love languages and it conducted aninterview and it came back and it said well have you considered


writing her a bunch of notes about what it is is that youlove and appreciate about her so much and you could create a


scavenger hunt around the house where she has to go and shefinds a note for every single one and I said oh this is


fantastic now conduct the interview of me to pull what youneed out of my head


to structure the things that I love about her now I couldhave written all


those things down but be there's something about whensomebody asks you the question things flow and here's the


hidden value it's capturing all the addition words that yougive it and it's


able to process them and to give them back the things thatit spat out I could


have WR handwritten everything at least the ideas that itcame up with one it helped me do it faster two the writing


was so much better because the things it pulled out of myhead it was phenomenal


I guess the question is when you when you gave her thepresent did did you uh give AI the credit for coming up with


the ideas no yeah there you go there you go now now now Idon't need to hide it


either but because here's the thing and I see this incompanies still to date the majority of people are using


it but they're hiding that they're using it and I think thisis a huge leadership opportunity to create a culture where


it's celebrated to say I used AI for this rather thanthinking that this is


something that is going to diminish your capability becauseI believe this is going to enhance you not replace you and


in fact like there's a person on my there when I look at myteam everybody has to be AI driven we have to practice


what we teach if somebody is doing things the old-fashionedway which is going to take longer and be lower


quality work they don't have a right to be on my team Iexpect you to engage


your resources so how can a leader take let's just say onestep to


to start getting people to feel comfortable admitting thatthey're using Ai and and celebrating it amongst the


team well all leadership starts with self- leadership nowthis also depends on where you fall on the org chart if


you're the CEO or you're your SE Suite it's time to go firstand to start using


this and talking to people about how you're using it let'sassume you're not in the SE Suite I think you have an


opportunity to use this and find a really cool use casewhere you can then go to a senior leader and say I want to


show you something that I came up with I mean this isliterally how I ended up getting put in charge of AI for the


steel company I was just using it and I knew the chairmanwas using it and we were talking about it back and forth and


I started showing him how I was using this for strategicthinking he was like


this is incredible and I was like that's when I made thepitch and who better to


to put in charge of championing this through the companythan the person who's already Champion it without being


appointed to do so and so I genuinely believe for people andcompanies if you


are listening to this right now and you're really gettingexcited about this you have an opportunity to create a


career Advantage your job is nothing more than


the skills you apply and the processes you follow in everytechnological


disruption in history technology changed the skills thatwere valued and the


processes that we followed so if you when you are hiding thefact that you're using AI you're clinging to the way


things used to be rather than reimagining how can things bebecome so


start you using it find a way to deliver value with it andthen start teaching


other people how you're using it and helping them becomemore comfortable and


successful with it and I think you'll have an opportunityespecially if you're willing to pitch a vision for the


company in terms of what this looks like you'll write yourticket and it comes down to we talked about this


earlier a little bit fixed mindset versus gross mindsetright if you're going to be stuck in your ways and and


afraid of hey hey people this is inevitable you have to geton the train I mean it's it's not going to stop I mean I heard


somebody say which is true that the change of pace is theslowest it's ever going to be in our lifetime it's only going to get faster andfaster so you


got to get on board I I think that that is so critical nowthere is some truth


to definitely some truth to the risks of of AI you knowpeople are afraid of you


know it's going to replace me it's going to take away my jobwhat advice do you have for CEOs and team leaders of of how


to address that Jeff with their team sure so again I Iwanted to have data to


support what I'm about to tell you so I literally went backand studied the major technological disruptions in the


past printing press steam engine assembly line electricity


internet this is when I realize your job is the skills youapply and the


processes you follow in every disruption Tech change theskills that were valued in the processes that were followed um


as a trend more jobs were created than displaced will therebe job displacement


here yes but what you have to realize is it's not the job orit's not the person


that gets eliminated it's the skills and processes that havebecome outdated so


you regardless of your level have a huge opportunity if yourjob currently is


leveraging skills and processes that AI can augment or


automate what you currently do will change I'm going to tellyou six out of


the 10 jobs that exist today didn't even exist in 1940 so toassume that your job will


continue the way it is you're thinking like Blockbuster andnot like Netflix


you have an opportunity to acquire the next skills for forpeople who have a a


fixed mindset that is scary and I'm not they're not badpeople they just they


fear that change people who have a growth mindset see thatas an opportunity I am calling you to ask the


question how can who can I become in the future um I think agreat example of this Dan Sullivan wrote a book called


10x is easier than 2x he makes this claim that you candouble the size of


your company you can keep doing 80% of what you currently doyou only have to change


20% but if you want to 10x your company or as an individual10x your income you


literally have to stop doing 80% of what you currently dohold on to the core 20%


that brings the most value and then move all that 80% to acompletely higher level of


capability here's why I think this is good news in myexperience and you tell


me if you agree with the statement I think most of people'stime is consumed by thinks checking email sitting in


meetings and doing the things on their to-do list would youagree with that 100% now the things on their to-do list


are they filled with 20% priorities that drive 80% of theresults or clouded with 80% tasks that only drive 20% of the


results they're they're they're most of the Mund mundanetasks that are just getting in their way but Jeff it also


comes down to and I'm curious to see what you think about itis getting people out of their comfort zone to just


fall into the habit of of working on that that garbage so tosay yes yes well


and again this is why the mindset is is so important AI canalready augment or automate half of what you do that can


scare you or it can excite you um as a guy for the last 10years who was


coaching executive teams and and Advising companies andboards that first

Preparing for the Future – Damon and Geoff discuss howorganizations can integrate AI into their strategies to remain competitive.


scared me because most of what I did was asking thequestions and I looked at Ai and said I've already proven AI can ask


the questions so I could be afraid of that or I could viewit as an opportunity I chose to be abundant and


view it as an opportunity I've already created an AI modelthat's been trained on my book and has 10 pages of custom


instructions to get it to be me on my website at aileleadership.com


that now has excited me because now I can free myself fromhaving to be the person that asks all the questions and


now move to a higher level of capability and I'll tell you Ihave 10x No Doubt


and so I think you really have to start and just recognizethat you have an opportunity here what you have done in


the past does not have to be what you do in the future Iwould challenge you how can you use AI to free yourself from at


least half of what you've done in the past and how can youcreate an opportunity to make your skill set even


more valuable for the future you gave a great example of astudy in your book


about uh BCG where they took 758 uh consultants and and thedifference of


what AI did for them sure so Boston Consulting took 758 oftheir Consultants


these are you know mostly ivy league trained very highlypaid people they split them into two groups one group


keep doing what you were doing second group start using AIthey literally gave


them a Chad GPT account and maybe 10 minutes of training onhow to prompt the results were


staggering the people that used AI had a 40 4 40% increasein quality of


work they got it done 25% faster and they got


12.2% more tasks done just by engaging


AI as a co-pilot in what they did I mean the numbers speakfor themselves so


let's let's so I'm a I'm a man manager out here thinkingabout this going okay I got to get going on this what is a way


that they you know one of the things that a lot of leadershave to do managers have to do are performance reviews what is it what is a waythat


you can you can use AI to cut down drastically cut down thetime it takes to do performance reviews and not only


do them quicker but do them more effectively sure so let'sassume that you have a template


for performance reviews inside your company if you don't youcan ask it if it if you don't have a template ask it


to act as an expert in doing performance review to generatethe template it'll give you an answer and then ask if you


think that that will really work for your organization youcan have it interview you by asking one question at a time to identify what isgoing to


matter most in your company and then generate the templateget to a template if you already have a template you


literally can copy the P like click on the PDF and drag itinto any of these AI


models and drop it and it'll be right there say you are anexpert in HR and conducting performance reviews I want


you to interview me by asking one question at a time to gainall the information you need to fill out the


attached template once you have enough information generatethe performance review and it will literally start


conducting an interview of you and spit it out now themoment it gives it to you


do not just copy and paste it you're the thought leader AIis your thought


partner ask yourself the question do I really agree withthis is there anything that's missing you could then say great


now I want you to act as my direct report that I'm about togive this to give me feedback on what you like about


this performance review what you don't like about it and thetop things I could do to make it even better and it will


adopt the Persona of the person who's receiving the feedbackand give you that


perspective and then you can say great based on that nowenhance it I have seen people do high quality performance


reviews in under 10 minutes that blew any previous one outof the water I


agree man and I I look I've even used it before and I wouldask it I'd say am I being too harsh here or am I being too


nice you know give me some feedback on it and it really itreally pushes you to


it's amazing when to use it for that I'll give you anotheruse case um last week I was texting with a guy who's been


the core of our business is called the AI driven leadershipCollective I'm creating a executive AI network of AI


driven leaders where we get off site a few times a year toreally share and collaborate on how we're using this so


that we can give them all the road maps and playbooks sothat they just implement this way faster the guy said I


don't know if I can make the January offsite I have to cut$2 million from from our operating budget as mandated by


the board and I literally texted him back and said have youasked how can AI


help me do this and he goes oh my gosh no what would thateven look like and I


literally sent him the prompt context Ro interview taskcontext here is our


financial statements from the past and here's our financialprojections for the future here's what you need to know


about our business here's where we've been focusing here'swhere I currently perceive the greatest opportunities to


to cut cost Your Role is to act as a strategic CFO who'sAdept at cutting $2


million from operating expenses without slowing growthinterview me by asking one question at a time up to five


questions to gain deeper context and then complete the taskof outlining the road map for how I can cut $2 million


within the next 6 months without slowing down growth I sentit to him 5 minutes later he sent me holy crap


I literally saved him 45 days of work absolutely absolutelyand that's that's


what I'm just trying to get people to understand there it'slike a ridiculous the the game changer can be and the time


it can save by doing all this now as we kind of wrap up hereJeff we talk a lot


give you one more can I give you one more fck keep goingkeep going okay so um one of the guys who's in the


collective he's in the real estate space he has built a verysuccessful company flipping houses and he had his strategic


plan and he had sent it to me and I said have you used AI tobulletproof this and


he goes no what would that look like and I said literallydrag and drop your strategic plan into AI it had met the


security provisions which we could talk about in a second ifyou want and I said it to act as an aggressive growth-minded


board member in reviewing your strategic plan that your goalis that it


bulletproof it to challenge every assumption does the planhave the sufficiency to deliver the results that


he wants are there things he should be considering that he'snot considering are there things he's currently saying yes to that he should besaying no to


and to ask as many questions as it needed one at a time togain context so it could then tell it tell him what he


liked about his plan what he didn't like about his plan andthe top changes he would need to make to his


plan AI conducted an exhaustive interview and came back andsaid um your


plan does have the sufficiency to help you hit your goalsthis year in alignment with your 10year goals but


it's going to violate the quality of life that you want tolive as a person instead of


this my recommendation is that you stop flipping houses all


together and instead focus on multif family real estate andthe service-based businesses that surround them here's why


and it literally made an argument for why he should stopdoing the entire business that he is currently doing and


instead acquire buildings and companies that service thebuildings here's where this gets crazy


with that Insight in the next 30 days instead of going andgetting another


house under contract where he would net $10,000 he got abuilding under contract


that since he got it at such a steep discount the moment itclosed he netted $1 million come on dead serious from one


prompt so when I said at the beginning of this episode youcould use a prompt that could return a dollar or a million


dollars I actually meant it hey Jeff do all your buddiesjust call you up with all their problems or their business


challenges like all right let me get let me get let me sendyou a tax or let's just spend five minutes I want you to figure this out for meall the time no


uh no but I did I did talk to a guy yesterday who's startinga property management company and I literally sent


him the text to get AI to act as an analyst that conductcould conduct


research to identify the top things people love about aproperty management company and the top things they hate


about a property management company and the top nonobviousstrategies he could deploy to build a


competitive moat and then based on that research to thenconduct a prompt where


would act as a board member that would interview him tounderstand more about how he's visualizing the company with


the context of the top things they would like didn't likeand non-obvious strategies to then con create a


competitive strategy statement that would outline theprotective mode he's


building so if he shared it with any real estate owner orreal estate agent they would go we


need to talk to you well that's impressive for a lot ofreasons one is my family owns a property management company so I I I got to getmy uh


brother on it to to figure that out you know um now we'retalking Ai Ai and all the


skills that that are required to do it and we talk a lotabout you know curiosity what are other some of the key


critical skills that leaders are going to need outside ofyou know using AI to


to make it effective moving forward in the future changemanagement so everything we've talked about up to to


this point is me showing you how do you raise your


standards for your relationship with this technology insteadof using it as a Google to ask questions to or an


assistant to delegate task to to elevate its role in yourlife as a thought partner with you as the thought leader


that's everything we've talked to up to this point themoment you become proficient in using AI you are naturally


going to want to get your leadership team to start usingthis once you get your leadership team to


start using this you going to want to start strategicallyexpanding this in your company to the next set of people


but then you're going to need a skill set of how do we startto identify use cases where we could use this technology


to make things more efficient over time you are going towant to drive this through the whole


company to the point where every single person is AI drivenjust like every person uses the internet every person


knows how to use Word and Excel AI is going to be the exactsame it will


become that pervasive but you have to understand how to leadthat change which also is going to


require the conversations about how do people's rolestransform I'm telling you


that if we fast forward five years I think people's jobdescriptions


are going to look very different the skills they apply theprocesses they follow are going to be very different


and I didn't pick that number out of nowhere that camedirectly from Eric Schmidt former CEO of Google he said we


are going to be living in a fundamentally different world inthe next 5 years not 10 five every part of


your business is going to look different in the next fiveyears Damon he said


that almost a year ago so this is why there's thiscompelling reason and case


to take action now no longer as a leader can you say I'llget to it later or


somebody else in the company will figure this out if you arecurrently thinking that way you are abdicating your


responsibility as a leader I don't care if you're even inthe middle of the organization waiting for somebody from


on high to come up with something you are you are givingaway your power you have an opportunity to get in the driver


seat start building competence using this yourself as athought partner at


your level and start having the conversations up the chainof command


and seeing how you can control contribute to help create anaid driven organization you will not lose your job


to AI you might lose your job to the person that is AIdriven so I'm asking you to


become that person so you can displace yourself and create abigger opportunity one more question going back to your


book which I think is phenomenal and everybody should pickup what are your goals you're looking to accomplish with


your book I want to create the future of leadership Igenuinely want to create a completely new category or of leader


that is the AI driven leader this is a person thatunderstands their true human


strengths they focus it on the priorities of their role inalignment with the goals of the company and they


are supercharged with ai ai enhances them it does notreplace them for the


book I needed to a way to give a non-technical leader asimple road map


to go from zero to one using this technology in a way thatwould matter that is working now the


business of AI Le leadership is about saying okay great youyou get how to prompt and you get how to use the


technology how do you now start to drive this into yourorganization so you can accelerate growth and build a


competitive advantage and that's where the whole focus isthe collective because I I think the technology is just


moving too fast if you try to navigate this alone you'regoing to lose and so my V is that over the next 10 years we


will have 10,000 Executives all with decision-mak authoritythey have to be able to approve budget within the


collective where we get off site several times a year tohave the space to think strategically to learn from each other


but we're going to centralize all the knowledge of these10,000 people and


from that create the road maps the playbooks the systems andgive it to


everyone so like when I look at the offsite coming up herewe are going to have every person build their own AI


Board of advisers so if they have a real board this willhelp them collapse the


time it takes to prepare for the board meeting if they don'thave a real board they will create a custom AI Board of


advisors to augment their strengths and weaknesses as aleader so that they can have a board of advisors designed for


them that they can go to For Thought partnership I have onelike Steve Jobs is on my board for vision and product


design but explicitly he's not allowed to give me anyfeedback on being a better father or leader dead serious I


think that that could be a workshop in itself on orConsulting on itself on how I me that that is huge right there so we


talked about the collective and we also talked about yourbook where else can we connect with you yeah I would strongly


get the book um it's on p uh hard cover audible I actuallyit's actually me


reading it and the Kindle I have a newsletter uh that istruly worldclass


um my audience's leaders who don't read emails and I wantedto create something that was so valuable that you would read


the email and so every week we are sharing use cases realstories like the one I shared on here and the prompt that


was used to generate the results so that you can startapplying it and you can


get on the newsletter at ail leadership.com what about yourpodcast oh yeah I'm I'm launching a podcast same


title as the book the AI driven leader um if you check itout now you will just see a trailer episode but if you follow


the if you follow the show there will be episodes that I'm Gto be launching this year and I think what what I heard you


say is gonna be exciting about that is you do that and thenyou could use all those transcripts to to help create


prompts and everything else afterwards I there's so muchways to repurpose everything Jeff you've been beyond


awesome I mean we talked about how you want AI where you'rethe thought leader it's your thought partner you know how


you got to get out of the fixed mindset because you have tomove forward with this how you could PEX your employees


how you need to focus on not what everybody else is doing onwriting better emails or social media copy but


really the things that matter most and what I like a lotright there at the end


is building your own AI Board of advisers Jeff you'reawesome thank you


and everybody out there do me a favor go get Jeff's book andthen also go in and look at his uh online his thought


leadership um or thought leader that is um he's trained toto to work with this


book I played around with that last night and the freeFoundation course that you have on there there's so many


great takeaways that people you know there's prompts andeverything that people can actually apply themselves I


literally created most people are charging money to teachyou how to prompt I gave it away for free so on AI


leadership there's a crash course it will literally help youunderstand the prompt ingredients and how to use it and


I design I wanted the book to be interactive which is why Imade the thought partner something like you can literally have a conversationwith AI


Jeff about the book to understand how to drive it into thecompany thanks Jeff and everybody stay curious keep learning


until next time have a good day you could grow in in myopinion into a leader but you have to want it you have


to want to lead people it's not something you just getpromoted because you're really good at a skill

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