Learn to recognize when a situation has turned from a simple disagreement into a conflict by understanding the root cause of conflict and the role threat-response plays. Temper your own reactions in a heated moment with a conflict analysis framework. Work toward positive-sum outcomes with a 4-step process for managing your responses and offers.
What We’ll Explore:
"Thank you for being so personable and sharing information in a relatable way. I can't tell you in enough words how much this class helped me. In fact I am going to talk to management and union about our department taking this class. Thank you again."
"I got a lot out of the fight, flight, freeze discussion, and talking about how any of those can be a constructive and helpful, or destructive, choice, depending on how it is used. I also enjoyed the 5-4-3-2-1 activity, and the demonstration live. For a third, I appreciate the instructor's willingness to pivot the conversation to address the primary concern of the participants in that moment (in this case, the generally high/increased stress level of the working environment as a whole). This was a very valuable class. Thank you."
"I liked the interactive class. It was very informative, and it helped me feel confident with the tools given on how to deal with conflict in the future."