
The Magic Loop: A Revolutionary Approach to Career Growth and Leadership

Revolutionize your career and leadership with a simple, proactive strategy that boosts your visibility, accelerates personal growth, and fosters stronger, more collaborative teams.

The Magic Loop: A Revolutionary Approach to Career Growth and Leadership
Damon Lembi
October 14, 2024
The Magic Loop: A Revolutionary Approach to Career Growth and Leadership

As a leader, how many times have your direct reports come to you asking, "Hey Boss, how can I help you? How can I help the team succeed?" Let's take it a step further: how many times during a one-on-one with your own leader have you asked the same question?

If you're like most people, the answer is probably "almost never." After interviewing Ethan Evans, a former Amazon VP, for "The Learn-It-All Podcast," I got curious about it, so I asked several leaders if they'd ever been offered help in this way by their direct reports. Only one person said yes—and they remembered it vividly because they’d appreciated it so much.

That’s what makes Ethan Evans’ "Magic Loop" so powerful. It's a game-changing approach that can set you apart in your organization. And for leaders, it’s a framework that you can—and should—share with your team. After all, we all need help sometimes!

A Tool for Career Growth and Organizational Development

Ethan Evans, a former Amazon VP who played a key role in developing household names like Prime Video, Kindle, and Alexa, developed the "Magic Loop" as a simple but transformative five-step framework. Here's how it works: 

  1. Excel in Your Current Role: Consistently deliver outstanding results in your core responsibilities.
  2. Seek Opportunities to Support Your Manager: Proactively ask how you can help make their job easier.
  3. Follow Through on Commitments: When you offer help, be reliable and deliver excellence.
  4. Align Support with Your Growth: Look for ways to assist that also expand your skills and advance your career.
  5. Iterate and Expand: Repeat this process, gradually taking on more responsibility and increasing your visibility.

Why It Works

The Magic Loop taps into fundamental principles of career growth and organizational dynamics:

  • Proactive Problem-Solving: By seeking ways to help, you position yourself as a solution-provider.
  • Relationship Building: Regularly supporting your manager builds a strong, collaborative relationship.
  • Strategic Alignment: This approach ensures your efforts are tied to broader organizational goals.
  • Skill Development: Taking on new tasks accelerates your learning and growth.
  • Visibility: Consistently helping beyond your role increases your visibility within the organization.

Listen to Ethan explain the Magic Loop

Ready to Try the Magic Loop?

Whether you're an individual contributor or a leader, the Magic Loop can transform your approach to work:

For Individual Contributors:

  • Focus on excelling in your current role.
  • In your next one-on-one, ask your manager, "What can I do to make your job easier?"
  • When you commit to something, follow through.
  • Look for ways to align the help you're offering with your career goals.
  • Repeat this process regularly and watch your influence grow.

For Leaders:

  • Model this behavior with your own leadership.
  • Introduce the Magic Loop to your team and foster an environment where offering help is encouraged.
  • Recognize and reward initiative when team members take this approach.
  • Use the framework to identify high-potential employees who show leadership potential.

Overcoming Doubts: It's About Mutual Growth

You might think, "Isn't it my manager's job to support me?" Here's the truth: in today's fast-paced work environment, taking ownership of your career growth is key. The Magic Loop isn't about doing your manager's job – it's about creating opportunities for mutual growth and development.

Why I'm Excited About This Framework

As the CEO of Learnit, I'm always on the lookout for practical, actionable approaches that drive real results. The Magic Loop embodies this philosophy perfectly. It's a framework that can be implemented immediately, regardless of your level in the organization.

What's particularly exciting is its dual impact:

  1. It provides a clear path for individuals to advance in their careers by providing value beyond their job description.
  2. It offers a way for leaders to cultivate a culture of proactive support and continuous improvement within their teams.

Your Challenge: Embrace the Magic Loop and Beyond

Are you ready to transform your career and leadership approach? Here's your challenge:

  1. Try the Magic Loop: In your next meeting, whether you're talking to your manager or leading your team, ask that powerful question: "How can I help make your job easier?"
  2. Observe the Impact: Over the next week, watch how this simple act fosters collaboration, builds stronger relationships, and accelerates your career growth.
  3. Share Your Experience: Come back here and share your insights in the comments. Let's learn from each other and see how the Magic Loop creates positive change in our careers and organizations.
  4. Dive Deeper: The Magic Loop is just the tip of the iceberg. Tune in to the full episode of The Learn-It-All Podcast featuring Ethan Evans.

You'll discover:

Success is teachable, but it takes more than just acquiring new skills—it's about applying them in ways that benefit both you and your organization. The Magic Loop provides a clear path to do just that, and it's only one of the many transformative insights waiting for you.

Join the Conversation

Have you already tried something similar in your career or with your team? Or perhaps you've implemented another game-changing leadership strategy? I'd love to hear about your experiences and insights.

Share your thoughts with me, and let's continue this journey of growth and discovery together. After all, at Learnit, we believe that companies grow when their people do – and your story could be the inspiration someone else needs to take their next big step!