Copilot for Word, PowerPoint, Excel

Who should attend

This course is ideal for anyone seeking to improve efficiency and produce high-quality work with ease.
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Copilot for Word, PowerPoint, Excel

From $0
Two, 2-hour Modules (9am - 11:30am PT)

In this course, participants will explore the advanced capabilities of Microsoft 365 Copilot, a powerful AI assistant integrated within Word, PowerPoint, and Excel. Learn how to utilize Copilot to enhance document creation, data analysis, and presentation design. CoPilot for Word In this course, you'll learn to use Copilot in Word to enhance your productivity, draft and summarize documents, while understanding Copilot’s limitations and the importance of verifying its work and maintaining your own skills. CoPilot for PowerPoint Copilot can help with presentation building in powerful ways - from slide design to content creation. In this course, you'll learn how to fully leverage Copilot to streamline your PowerPoint workflow. CoPilot for Excel In this course, you'll learn how to leverage Copilot to boost your productivity when working with spreadsheets.

Course ID
Upcoming LIVE ONLINE public classes
No Upcoming public classes
June 17 & June 18, 2021
June 17 & June 18, 2021
June 17 & June 18, 2021
June 17 & June 18, 2021
June 17, 2021
June 17, 2021
June 17, 2021
June 17, 2021
June 17, 2021

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Course Outline

Copilot for Word:

Intro to Copilot in Word

  • How to activate Copilot if you have access
  • Accessing Copilot on blank Word document 

Introducing yourself to Copilot 

  • Quick tips for orienting Copilot to your work style
  • Ways to provide feedback to Copilot as you work together

Drafting Document

  • Having Copilot draft documents for you
  • Accepting/file referencing Copilot's documents

Summarizing Documents

  • Asking Copilot to summarize documents
  • Asking Questions about your documents

Accuracy limitations

  • Copilot may make incorrect suggestions at times
  • Importance of verifying Copilot's work 


  • Dangers of becoming over-dependent on Copilot
  • Maintaining your own Word skills and knowledge

Copilot for PowerPoint:

Intro to Copilot in PowerPoint

  • How to activate Copilot if you have access
  • Accessing Copilot on blank PowerPoint Presentation

Introducing yourself to Copilot 

  • Quick tips for orienting Copilot to your work style
  • Ways to provide feedback to Copilot as you work together

Content Creation

  • Asking Copilot to draft presentation
  • Text Editing Copilot's suggested text

Slide Design

  • Having Copilot suggest visual designs
  • Modifying Copilot's design recommendations

Accuracy limitations

  • Copilot may make incorrect suggestions at times
  • Importance of verifying Copilot's work 


  • Dangers of becoming over-dependent on Copilot
  • Maintaining your own PowerPoint skills and knowledge

Copilot for Excel:

Intro to Copilot in Excel

  • How to activate Copilot if you have access
  • Requirements for using Copilot for Excel

Introducing yourself to Copilot 

  • Quick tips for orienting Copilot to your work style
  • Ways to provide feedback to Copilot as you work together 

Formula writing

  • Having Copilot suggest formulas for you
  • Accepting/modifying Copilot's formula recommendations

Data analysis

  • Asking Copilot to summarize data sets
  • Generating visualizations like charts and graphs

Accuracy limitations

  • Copilot may make incorrect suggestions at times
  • Importance of verifying Copilot's work 


  • Dangers of becoming over-dependent on Copilot
  • Maintaining your own Excel skills and knowledge

Skills covered

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Copilot for Word, PowerPoint, Excel


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